Online Appointment

Matrix Hospital runs speciality departments across the spectrum that form the backbone of our hospital, equipped with specialised talent.

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Accident & Emergency Services

The 24X7 Accident & Emergency Department at Matrix Hospital pledges to treat every human life with utmost care & promptness with adequate equipment.

Emergency: (022) 62535700

Qualified Doctors

A hospital’s first and foremost job is to heal people and save them from future harm. At Matrix Hospital, we take innumerable steps to create a safe and healthy environment for our patients.

Doctor Listing

Welcome to Matrix Hospital

Matrix Super Speciality Hospital

Matrix Super Speciality Hospital is powered by a team of medical professionals with nation and international credentials. With a mix of full-time doctors and distinguished visiting consultants from various specialities, timely availability of expertise is ensured at all times.

Additionally, our nurses, maintaining the national guidelines for nurse-patient ratio for optimal care, medical support staff and technicians are not only adept with the latest medical technology and technicians but have sound understanding of global care giving practices. This mix of knowledge and compassion is central to our medical services and ensures increased patients’ satisfaction and safety.



Pain Management and Palliative Care

The Department of Pain Management & Palliative care at Matrix Hospital looks after patients who care suffering from chronic pain.

Ambulance Services

At Matrix Hospital, we understand that treatment begins even before the patients reaches the hospitals.

Blood Collection

We have dedicated blood bank within its premises to avoid any delay in treatment.

Emergency Services

The 24X7 Accident & Emergency Department at Matrix Hospital pledges to treat every human life with utmost care and promptness.

Health Check-up

We have set up a dedicated complex complete with all services for people coming to assess their health status.

24X7 Pharmacy

An around-the clock pharmacy stock an extensive range of drug and medicine.

We are here for you